Armature Projects

Bay Area Transit Elevations

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), Concord Station Plaza, CA, 1985

The BART Rapid Transit proposal is an Armature concept for a transportation and commercial plaza located in the Concord, California, station. The rolling hills nearby are the basis of the wall profiles and overall design concept. Walls are curved to provide structural stability and are partly covered with vines. Parts of walls are exposed to provide space for artists’ and citizens’ ornament, while the trees, water and plant gardens would be maintained by professionals with assistance from citizen volunteers.

The site plan shows a courtyard plaza connected to rapid transit buses and trains. The plaza contains a water garden with walls shaped to recall the California hills and regional nature. Space for public gatherings, performances, farmer’s markets  and restaurants is located between the sculpted curving walls and ramps leading up to exhibition areas and adjoining commercial buildings.